Questions, & Answers
Frequently Asked Questions:
If your question was not listed, and you want to ask a specific question please visit our contact us page, or drop us a line info@whosthehttestrapper.com.
Music licensing is the business of getting paid for your music, when it’s used in Films, on TV, in Video Games, and many other types of media. Licensing your music for use in television and films can make you several hundred dollars, to as much as several thousand dollars, or more per placement, including backend performance royalties.
An mp3 at 128kbps, 128 bit rate is preferred for size, convenience, and quality.
No way, voice tags are never a good thing unless it’s approved by the artist, those need to come out when submitting to our listings, and opportunities.
In some rare cases, yes, as long as you have clearance to use the samples for commercial purposes, however Mac a million dollar man musick shall not be held responsible for any copyright infringements. We strongly advise against submitting material that contains uncleared samples, and the person who submits the music is solely responsible for all clearances pertaining to the use such samples.
No, but after you turn 18 you can, because in order to enter into a contractual agreement with us, you must be at least 18 years old.
Absolutely! ¡Absolutamente! Absolument ! απολύτως! 絕對!Unbedingt! אין מה לדבר! 全く!Całkowicie! Absolut! Абсолютно! Helt! สมบูรณาญาสิทธิราช!
We prefer all of the music we receive to be at least 3:30, long enough for the radio to play. If we need a different version we will request it at that time.
No, but it does help to have the music mixed properly, we really appreciate great recordings, basically your music needs to be broadcast quality.
No, please only submit original material, music that you own, or music that you have the rights to submit.
For legal reasons of course, obviously we don’t want to get sued, and hopefully you don’t either.
Unsolicited material refers to material that is sent by someone who has no relationship with anyone at a particular company. Occasionally, unknown writers, claiming that they have submitted songs, have sued publishers claiming those songs were “stolen” and given to other writers to work on. Second, there is so much material coming in, from reliable sources, that it’s just not enough time to listen to random material.
This means that once we find what we are looking for, the listing could close at anytime, and it’s on a first come first serve basis.
No, we work with everything, Hip Hop is our primary genre, but we work with Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Spoken Word, and Classical.
Yes we do, however the majority of the agreements we sign with artist are non-exclusive.
No, but we do recommend it, if you plan on receiving royalty checks.
Yes, we usually split whatever we sell, or license 50/50 with the artist, label, or company that owns the music.
We will contact you immediately with any details regarding placements of your music, we love sharing good news.
We have many artist who submit to our listings every day, the fee we charge to submit, is to keep away the people who are not serious. Our time is valuable, only serious artist will invest into their careers!
Unfortunately, we have been asked by certain clients not to reveal their identity until they have made their selections, and sometimes we only reveal their identity to the artist, or producers they select.
Yes, you can still submit to opportunities up to midnight, 12AM PST., on the day of the submission deadline.
The ending having a resolve means to give an absolute ending to your song, or beat, with a sting, or some grand ending that does not fade out.
If your track has beats, this is not a good thing. When the bass doesn’t quite match tone wise, it creates an anomaly in the track called beats that makes the bass wobble, so we can not use these tracks.
Clipping is what happens when your music is recorded too loud. It distorts and/or stays in the red, which basically means the recording is too hot, and needs to be turned down.
Media submissions are radio stations, music magazines, music blogs, and music podcasts which typically don’t generate royalties. Music licensing opportunities, and placement submissions usually generate an upfront royalty, or backend royalty, or all of the above.
We have established some great relationships in the music business, and after an artist music has been screened, and approved by our A&R department, we will then forward their music to the contact we have for the listing they’ve submitted to. In some cases, the submission goes directly to that contact, and they screen it themselves, and we will request additional information as needed.
Yes, but only by request.
3 song minimum
We do not accept DD’s. Mp3’s @ 128 bit rate, are our standard submission format, (read FAQ #2), other formats will be requested as needed.
Yes the submission fees are a one time fee, but as far as artist getting signed, every deal is different, (read FAQ #16)
It varies from deal to deal, but typically we have a 2 month/60 day grace period, but we’ve had clients get back to us the same day, and we’ve had clients take 3 or more months to get back to us, it really depends on the client.
Contracts are only presented after a deal has been made, which at that time, the artist has the right to accept, or decline the offer on major deals, and we negotiate on behalf of the artist.
Songs that are a part of our catalog, belong to the artist we have signed to our publishing company. They retain all of their rights, and we act as the publisher in most cases, excluding record deals, and some publishing deals. (read FAQ’s #14, & #16)
Terms and Conditions/Disclaimer:
Payments are accepted through paypal (all major credit/debit cards accepted) for MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK, as an all-in-one solution to on-line publishing, and song placement. Once you’ve made your payment, you will receive confirmation of your payment via e-mail from paypal.com, and all sales are final. Once you have sent your payment, and have received confirmation of your payment, you may upload your music, and your music will instantly be available for review by our staff. All other services, and products purchased on this site will be rendered in a timely fashion. Our staff will contact you directly via e-mail, normally within 3 to 5 business days, with an evaluation/review, either Approved, or Declined, for all music submissions. MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK, and www.whosthehottestrapper.com makes no guarantees that your music will be placed, or pitched to a client. If your music is declined, we will provide you with our reason for declining your submission, and if your music is approved, your submission will be forwarded to the client. If a client is interested in hearing more music, or discussing the project with you further, you will be contacted via email, or by phone. If a client decides to use your music, you may be offered under no obligation, a Licensing Agreement for the listing(s), stating that you will receive 50% of the licensing fees MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK receives for your music. In most cases, we will act as publisher for your music, whenever it is possible to earn performance royalties. The exception is in regards to record deals. With most record labels MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK will only receive a 10% finders fee, based on any upfront money advanced to the artist. In this case the record label will act as publisher on all of the music they secure. Your songs could be licensed into multiple commercials, films, and TV shows, potentially earning you a variety of long-terms royalties, or placed with an indie, or major record label, or a small, or major publisher. MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK supplies music for hundreds of TV shows, films, commercials, video and computer games, production companies, as well as Internet-based media every year. By submitting your music through MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK, and www.whosthehottestrapper.com, your music could be offered to traditionally very hard to reach individuals, and extremely powerful clients. You retain 100% ownership of your music, and most of the agreements are non-exclusive, so you are free to do as you please, with your music. By paying the submission fees, and submitting music to us, you are stating that you are in agreement with our terms here in. You also are stating that you are the owner of, and/or have the right to submit the music for potential placements, and fully understand that you are under no obligation.
Please remember to include all of your contact information, e-mail (required), home or mobile telephone number, or e-mail of your authorized representative, if you would like to stay up to date by receiving our newsletter.