Submit Music


Submit Music

Seeks: All Genres
Explicit Lyrics Accepted: Okay
Instrumentals Accepted: Yes
Compensation: Deals, Publishing, Licensing

Description: Submit music to be considered for various opportunities, label deals, management, music licensing, major placements, distribution, etc. This is an on going opportunity where we will screen all songs, sign artists, producers, bands, etc. We are signing artist now, and you could be next!

No Deadline:

Item #SUM-01032023

PriceĀ $50.00

Submission Instructions:

After the payment has been made, the upload box should appear on the same page under the transaction. Upload one song in mp3 format (128 bitrate) per submission fee. Select the number of songs you want to upload. Create a zip file if more than one song is going to the same opportunity. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of the FAQ page. Thank you for your submission!

SKU: SUM-01032023 Categories: , ,


Submit Music

Seeks: All Genres
Explicit Lyrics Accepted: Okay
Instrumentals Accepted: Yes
Compensation: Deals, Publishing, Licensing

Item #SUM-01032023

Price $50.00